I have to finish the not-so-fulfilling shopping Hong Kong trip. Hehe... But Hong Kong was fun nevertheless, the sitting Buddha was breathtaking.
O well, we walked into the Gucci shop at Paragon. Cindy saw a Gucci wallet that cost $500+ and before we know it, she had bought the wallet!!! Wa... Don't understand.. The next unbelieveable thing I could not dream that I would do is that I actually bought a Gucci bag too.
See, that is my new bag. I paced up and down the shop, one side tells me to buy cos it is really nice and the other side says cannot buy cos it is too expensive (S$1010 leh!!!!!!!!!!!!). Then my brother kept on tempting me to buy.. my mother kept on telling me no need to buy such expensive bag.. But I think she can sense that she was fighting a losing battle, in the end, she gave up. My heart was really beating fast when I signed on the S$1010 bill. I was like, ARE YOU SURE OR NOT??? Then finally, I gave up struggling too and boldy signed on the bill. I even asked the salesgirl if there is any discount for any credit card. That must be a dumb question because she replied with a definite NO. She must be thinking, "What is this? Want to buy still want to ask for discount? You think this is pasam malam is it? This is the genuine Gucci leh!"
My brother told me the salesgirl will open the doors to let us out because that was what she did when his gf bought the Gucci bag some months back. But the moment I signed on the bill, and the salesgirl received the payment, she disappeared into a small cashier room. I walked one round in the shop, giving obvious hints to other salesperson in the shop that "Hey, I am leaving, you can open the doors for me now." BUT!!! They ignored me. Can anyone who knows their manager sack them or something?? Wa liew, in then end, it was my brother who opened the doors for me.
I did not dare to tell Bao Bei that I bought the Gucci bag. He will KILL me lor.. cos I just bought a Disneyland bag from Hong Kong when we were there. He won't understand why I want to buy the bag and he will be very angry that I spent 1k to buy that. I felt so guilty for hiding it from him. Seriously, I had no intentions to tell him, because probably he won't noticed it anyway.
Then at night, I had a nightmare. In the dream, I dreamt that Bao Bei don't want to talk to me no more. I was so scared that I woke up. Then the first thing I did, I called him. I told him about the dream then he said he still love me. Hehe. But I haven't tell him about the Gucci bag.
So, in the end, in the afternoon, I decided to tell him. Better to come clear with him because I don't like to hide things and lie. Sigh... he reacted within expectations, he said he was disappointed in me. Actually, I am also disappointed in myself too la, just a little bit. But, cannot refund the bag for money already mah... Luckily, after a while, he simmered down...
I spent the rest of the day sieving through my box of bags, washed the dirty ones and went for pedicure. I intend to put on mask later.

WOW! Life is good but too bad, I have no money no more. I must work hard now, to compensate for the indulgence yesterday. Need to look for tuition soon... I love holiday!!
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