Friday, 29 June 2007
Dinner with Grand Panda & other uni friends
I love to go out to meet friends. Everytime I felt refreshed by their life experiences and it was good to see all of us still hanging out together even after we graduate.
Johnny shared his New Zealand photographs with us. He went with his friend in May, but only to North Island. Aiya, he should go to South Island! Cos, it is just too beautiful at South Island. But because his friend had been to South Island before, so he had to make do with North Island. But still... South Island is breathtaking!!!! Queenstown, Milford Sound, wooo....
Anyway, Chow Yee joined us really late at 9 plus when all of us had finished eating. Haha. Well, it seemed my persuasive power is still strong after 4 years.. hehe. But really, it had been a looooooong 4 years since I see my grand panda aka senior.
So, the topic of the night changed to my new job, which is starting on Monday. As usual, they were all sharing their experiences with me, of course, also self-entertaining themselves as they looked at my bewildered face for every do's and don'ts for the first few days of work. Chow Yee had not changed a single bit.. I am still the little girl aka junior in his eyes. Sigh, every move I made, he said 'You cannot do that on first day." or "You cannot talk like this." WAWAWAWA!! Apparently, all of them were enjoying themselves scaring me with all the gossips and politics...
OL (office lady), they said, are the most gossipy in the profession because they are too free so thus talk alot.
The DO NOTs on the first day of work
1) DO NOT bring my Gucci bag for work (then I buy that bag for what?? They said if I bring, all the new colleagues will nickname me Branded, Ms Gucci, blar blar blar.. Ok, point taken..)
2) DO NOT talk too much i.e. keep quiet and observe (Kenneth said there are 4 types of people in office. 1st - Quiet and has brains, 2nd - Quiet and has no brains, 3rd - Talkative and has no brains and 4th - Talkative and has brains. Die... they said the 3rd type is the bimbo and I seemed to fit in the best in that category =.=")
3) DO NOT keep on smsing in office or appear to be very free.. I have to pretend to be doing work, even if I am pretending to read the never-ending file
4) DO NOT wear too bright, too short, too little, or with side slits that are high
5) DO NOT be the first and the last to leave office, don't rush for staff transport
WA! I was really looking forward to my new job on Monday. I had planned to take it easy and well, I have no idea what I am going to do there so go with an open mind. But thanks to my good friends, now I feel like "What is this? I wasn't even this jumpy when I started teaching!"
Ying said, no matter how well I tried to avoid making mistakes on the first day of work, the new colleagues will sure commend about me, both good and bad. Cos she does that whenever a newbie comes to her company =.=" WA. If I have colleagues as experienced as Laolao Ying and Chow Yee, I will die there...
Ok la, I know they meant well although they were teasing me all the time. I will forever be the blur blur little girl in University who blew up power supply and op-amps. How I missed those carefree school days... With friends always there to laugh and work, when money and paying bills aren't really the big issues.... Life is so much more simpler back then.
Only Desmond was siding me all night. When all of them were having fun digging out the stories at their workplace and putting me in those scenerios, only Desmond believed that I won't be that unprofessional.
I love the quieter moments with Grand Panda, while we were walking to the bus stop and waiting for my bus. He really really had not changed a bit, probably because I am still too untrained in the working world. Talk about nagging, he is more powerful than me. If not for him, I would not have found the motivation to study in Microelectronics or get that close to Third Class Honours. Thanks for his concerns and caring words, I became stronger after Jason broke up with me (of course, have to thank Ying and Jasmin too)
Gee, I thank God or whoever the Saint up there for letting me meet wonderful people in my life thus far. I feel so loved by everyone... The feeling is good when you know that others found you wanting and pleasant to work with.
Thank you Grand Panda, Johnny, Desmond, Kenneth and Pei Ying. Ganbatte, I will and I will remember to bring a notebook and a pen on my first day, with just a normal working bag ;)
Monday, 25 June 2007
My Gucci bag
I have to finish the not-so-fulfilling shopping Hong Kong trip. Hehe... But Hong Kong was fun nevertheless, the sitting Buddha was breathtaking.
O well, we walked into the Gucci shop at Paragon. Cindy saw a Gucci wallet that cost $500+ and before we know it, she had bought the wallet!!! Wa... Don't understand.. The next unbelieveable thing I could not dream that I would do is that I actually bought a Gucci bag too.
See, that is my new bag. I paced up and down the shop, one side tells me to buy cos it is really nice and the other side says cannot buy cos it is too expensive (S$1010 leh!!!!!!!!!!!!). Then my brother kept on tempting me to buy.. my mother kept on telling me no need to buy such expensive bag.. But I think she can sense that she was fighting a losing battle, in the end, she gave up. My heart was really beating fast when I signed on the S$1010 bill. I was like, ARE YOU SURE OR NOT??? Then finally, I gave up struggling too and boldy signed on the bill. I even asked the salesgirl if there is any discount for any credit card. That must be a dumb question because she replied with a definite NO. She must be thinking, "What is this? Want to buy still want to ask for discount? You think this is pasam malam is it? This is the genuine Gucci leh!"
My brother told me the salesgirl will open the doors to let us out because that was what she did when his gf bought the Gucci bag some months back. But the moment I signed on the bill, and the salesgirl received the payment, she disappeared into a small cashier room. I walked one round in the shop, giving obvious hints to other salesperson in the shop that "Hey, I am leaving, you can open the doors for me now." BUT!!! They ignored me. Can anyone who knows their manager sack them or something?? Wa liew, in then end, it was my brother who opened the doors for me.
I did not dare to tell Bao Bei that I bought the Gucci bag. He will KILL me lor.. cos I just bought a Disneyland bag from Hong Kong when we were there. He won't understand why I want to buy the bag and he will be very angry that I spent 1k to buy that. I felt so guilty for hiding it from him. Seriously, I had no intentions to tell him, because probably he won't noticed it anyway.
Then at night, I had a nightmare. In the dream, I dreamt that Bao Bei don't want to talk to me no more. I was so scared that I woke up. Then the first thing I did, I called him. I told him about the dream then he said he still love me. Hehe. But I haven't tell him about the Gucci bag.
So, in the end, in the afternoon, I decided to tell him. Better to come clear with him because I don't like to hide things and lie. Sigh... he reacted within expectations, he said he was disappointed in me. Actually, I am also disappointed in myself too la, just a little bit. But, cannot refund the bag for money already mah... Luckily, after a while, he simmered down...
I spent the rest of the day sieving through my box of bags, washed the dirty ones and went for pedicure. I intend to put on mask later.

WOW! Life is good but too bad, I have no money no more. I must work hard now, to compensate for the indulgence yesterday. Need to look for tuition soon... I love holiday!!
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Mixed feelings & so many events
So Desmond asked, "How is your break so far?" I replied, "Cool!"
Really, I had been thinking of this since the day I finished packing my working table in school. School is starting in one day and for the first time in three years, I feel relaxed and cool about this. In the last 3 years, this is the day that I dread the most, the day just before school term starts. Because I would be panicking over a million things: haven't set exam paper, haven't print worksheets, haven't finish preparing the powerpoint slides, what am I going to do for first day of school, what time am I going to reach home so that I can nap, when is the next holiday and of course the BIGGEST and STUPIDEST question, why does the holiday has to end so fast????
So today, I napped in the afternoon with no guilt and no nothing and went out to watch movie. Totally relaxed. It feels good to be having a break. The dumbest thing is, I thought the whole world is having holiday like me, until it suddenly dawned on me that it wasn't when I saw workers rushing down their company-arranged buses and running to the MRT station, hoping to get home in the fastest time after work on Friday.
So a part of me feels happy that I do not have to go back to school on Monday. But, frankly the other part of me feels pretty empty and lonely. Especially so after the farewell party on Friday. Lindy was so quiet that day. That small little girl, my heart squeezed each time I looked at her eyes. Everyone else were enjoying the pizzas and cakes. So I went up to her and asked her what happened. She looked at me with those teary eyes and tears just flowed down. My goodness! She said no words at all but her eyes asked me a thousand things: Miss Tan, why are you leaving? Can you don't leave? For the first time in my career, I felt like I am a mother, not a sister. I hugged her and she cried. The others looked on and wondered why she was behaving so emotional and dramatic but I can understand why she is crying.
Someone wrote me a thank you letter, thou shall not disclose the name lest you tease this person. In the letter, it wrote: There are many occasions where I thought to myself "How I wish Miss Tan weren't my teacher but perhaps a relative, a cousin or family friend."
Do you know this is exactly why I want to join teaching 4 years back? I want to touch lives, I want to help to change people's lives, I want to leave memorable footprints in other's lives so that if I were to die one day, I know I had done something that I can be proud of. I know my decision to leave is a big loss to you and me, I am fully aware that I am going to miss out a million opportunities to see you grow to be better people. I wished that I could walk alongside you and especially to my form class and other graduating classes, to finish the last lap to the O levels with you. I had took for granted the calling of "Miss Tan" for the last 3 years, and I am really starting to miss you people calling me that. This endearment it seems - is such an honour to hear you call me that because deep down I know, you treat me both like a teacher and a friend. It hurts whenever I see anyone of you cry because I worry that my absence will affect you emotionally too great.
Of course, I know things will always work out fine in the end, whether we worry or do not worry about it. All of us will reach a point whereby we accept the fact that life has to move on and nobody stays with anyone forever.
Just remember that my phone lines are always open for you, if you want to cry, complain or ask for advice. Just a note: currently, my line has NO free incoming calls..
Till we meet again, take care of yourselves and I will take care of myself too!
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Wan Lee...
Me: A book that never finishes...
Wan Lee: If my love is a book, it will be a passport; a book which I need to carry wherever I go and without it, I can't go anywhere...
Who is Wan Lee?
Wan Lee is a average built lady, wearing a size L and a cup size that I envy. She is short-sighted and switches between spectacles and contact lenses, depending on her mood. She keeps her hair short now and she is in love too. In love with a man called Teck Teck, haha, a nickname which another friend gave.
Who is Wan Lee then? She is none other than my pal of 1993 till now, a freeking 14 years old friend from TKGS.
She is a romantic person. I mean, who will describe love like a book? Probably only Qiong Yao (a famous Chinese novel writer, the one who wrote 环珠格格) is that dramatically romantic.
We are the best of friends and we have many things in common. Both of us have a brother of 23 years old. We are both Scorpios and she is just 5 days older than me! We were both from Red Cross and we were from the same class back in TKGS, from Sec 1 to 4. We were in the same study group and wherever we went, we were always together. In fact, we only got separated after O levels, when we went to different JC.
We started out the most stupid way. First few days of orientation, we actually asked each other this question: You wanna go for recess together? -.-" And then on, we went for every recess together.. We were both in love with Aaron Kwok back then and I actually brought a newspaper article of his juicy gossip to school and shared with her. Since then, we became more inseparable. We went to Red Cross together and did everything together, of course we don't share the same toilet. We talked to each other on the phone everyday and discussed homework daily. We were so close that my mummy was so scared that I would turn into a lesbian and fall in love with her. HAHAHA!
Both of us are scared of snakes. Scared is an understatement. We were petrified of that species. We hugged each other and cried at the roadside of Wu Yi Shan (a famous mountainous region in China famous of snakes) while other schoolmates stood at the stall looking with huge eyes how the hawker skinned the snake alive.
Then came O levels, I did better than her and we got separated. I was delighted because I was going to my dream school but I knew she was scared. She is a very capable young lady who always lack self confidence. When she went to Yishun JC during the first 3 transitional months, she told me she was the only green person there. She had no friends and I wished she could join me in TJC but she couldn't. We were both praying hard that her O levels results would be good and we could be in the same school again. Alas, our prayers were not answered and she got herself transferred to Catholic JC taking up Physics, Computer Science and Maths C.
When everyone thought that our friendship will wilter because we were separated, we got closer. We updated each other every Saturday of our crash in school. I talked about Jason and she talked about Salimun. I admitted that I spent less time with her because Jason and I ended up dating. I wanted to see how Salimun looked like and both of us planned to meet up at Northpoint on one Saturday. Keke, Jason and I 'accidentally' bumped into she and Salimun that day and she was blushing all the while because we all knew it was all pre-planned. In the end, Jason and I ended up watching Batman in the first row at Northpoint..
Well, we did not end up in the same university after A levels. Her results weren't good and both NUS and NTU did not accept her. I think that was probably the bleakest period of her life then far because she had always been an ambitious and high achiever. She used to be the top student in her primary school. It was a huge blow for her when she could not go to local university. I couldn't remember what I had done for her to help her. Gee, I seemed to be quite useless friend. But she went to study Mass Communications at MDIS and happily graduated with a degree.
Then Jason and I broke up. I was totally shattered and she wasn't in Singapore when the break up happened. It was terrible! My bleakest period of my life thus far.. She was doing her attachment study at Okoholma in USA and I seriously felt my whole world collasping around me. I was helpless and how I wished she was there to console me but she was so far away. I knew she must be feeling worried for me too because we are closer than blood sisters.
I got myself out of that pit with the support of Daddy and Mummy plus other university pals.
When I joined teaching, and I got sad and helpless, I knew I can count on her to console me. My bf sometimes won't understand the plight I was going through. He thought I was just being immature and oversensitive. But she understood me and stood by me. This sms I still keep in my hp: In Him and through faith in Him, we may approach God with freedom and confidence. No, both of us are not Christians but we are God lovers who chooses our own ways to get near to Him. No need to try to preach us to go into Christianity too, because I think both of us prefer it this way.
The funny thing about us: we seldom meet up nor do we call each other; we don't sms each other too. We can like MIA from each other's life for one to two months but still stay strong and truthful to each other. Don't ask us how we did it, we just did it with no special efforts. I guess we are just fated to be with each other? If my bf is my Bao Bei No. 1, she will be Bao Bei No. 2. I don't think I can ever live without her. She is even silly enough to tell me that if she were to die before me, she had already instructed her mother to leave Piao Hong (a teddy bear I bought for her to accompany her when she was in USA) for me. Gee, don't make me cry. There are just too many things we have in common. We know each other so well that I don't think any men could match up, haha! If I were a man, I promise to love her my whole life. But luckily(phew), both of us are straight. We don't even hold hands or hook arms like other good female friends do. So, mummy you can rest your mind at ease - your daughter loves man!
Recently, she just changed to a new job. A really busy and vibrant job. Sometimes I wondered how she could change job so easily and she is one of the people who gave me the courage to move on from teaching. She had been feeling quite blue too because she felt she couldn't keep pace with her colleagues at all. But she loves the job! Silly girl, she told me she felt like quitting from the job when she barely started a month ago??! BISH! BISH! Must knock some sense into her.
Dear Pal,
You have always been my idol and my pillar. You must persevere this time and push yourself through. You are a very capable person so stop doubting your abilities. I believe you can achieve and go far in this line because you possesses that positive attitude. Stamina and energy can be slowly built up. But you can't give up on yourself so easily. Don't set a bad example for me to follow yeah? Don't forget you always have me to support you, if Teck Teck does a lousy job cheering you on.
Yours truly,
Another long entry? Long-winded? Nobody asked you to read this anyway. My blog means I can write whatever I like except for those things that hurt other people isn't it? You have the freedom to skip to the next blog so stop complaining that I am long-winded!!
This is specially dedicated to my pal, Wan Lee not you!
Count yourself lucky that I am letting you a peek at the World's First and Second Most Sought After Girls - Myself and Wan Lee. Hahahahhahaahaha!!!
Friday, 8 June 2007
LAST day of teaching
I succeeded. Till I saw Poh Leong's panda bear but I shedded tears of joy cos the panda is so CUTE!
Actually, I feel relaxed today. Don't ask why. I have no idea. But perhaps, I am ready for today. I heeded Mrs Tan's advice - I told my 30 darlings the 'bad' news on the last day of school. The moment that I let the words out and ended all speculation of rumours, I felt light-hearted. I no longer feel that I owe them an explanation because I hate to lie. Since the day I got accepted at the new job and decide to resign, I feel like I am just like an actress in front of everyone. I can't tell anyone because I do not want unnecessary disruptions. I had to pretend that everyday was another normal day and we will still meet again in Term 3 and 4 and I will see them till they enter the exam hall for the O levels exam.
Broadrick holds special meaning and stores precious memories of my growth. I had never dreamt that I will be a teacher when I was younger. The closest I was to students was when I gave private tuition during my university years to earn allowance for myself.
Why am I a teacher? It all started from Pauline's inspiring story of how she managed to befriend an Primary school boy and turn this naughty boy to a boy who will always happily tagged behind her after lessons. So, I went for the MOE interview. Got through the first interview of my entire life and was offered the job!
I ended up in Broadrick to do my 10 weeks practicum. It was a culture shock. I had to drag myself out of bed everyday, asking myself why I did not have a fever that day. Everyday in those 10 weeks was hell. I had never met Normal (Academic) students before and I was given 4 classes of them at one time. I had students who just threw their chairs and slammed the door and stormed out of classroom when teachers scold them.
Where is the respect for teachers???
After my experience with them, I told myself if I was to be given a second chance to start again, I won't never be so friendly and sunshine in front of a class for any first time I stepped into a class. It was a good strategy it seems, cos I believed my students will always remember their first day with me.. the strict and stern Physics teacher who can also be cute, friendly and approachable(*wink wink)
Why does the school hold a special place for me? I really grew up in this school, just like all of my students. I spent 3 years here. I came here a fresh graduate from NUS, with all the passionate dreams of wanting to help students, of wanting to change lives of the younger generation and really contribute back to the society. This dream proved to be too idealistic I realised, because not all students can be saved; many of them chose to give up their future even at such a young age. I tried to save as many starfish as possible but I can only save so many with my two hands. The job as a teacher was really tough. REALLY tough. It was even tougher than studying for exam!
I soon lost my personal time because I was struggling to stay ahead of schedule, think ahead and prepare all teaching materials, all on my own. I had to stay free from backstabbing from colleagues (yea, it happens in the staff room too) because I am always so blur and will always end up in trouble without myself knowing that I had ended in shit. I have to attend meaningless meetings, when all I want is to either go back to finish marking the endless stack of worksheets or go home to sleep. I can't go out during weekdays; I can't meet my friends because I was so drained of all energy after the many battles in the classroom in the day. Friday night was spent with bf eating dinner and Saturday and Sunday? Most of these two days was spent preparing work for the upcoming week. I always wonder am I the only one who is like slogging my life away? Why is it that I do not see other teachers all so stressed up like me? Is it something wrong with me? Am I inefficient? Was there something wrong with the way I do my work?
When I first started teaching, I had so much to talk about my students because they are the centre of my world. I talk to them more to my family and even my bf. I think I told too many silly stories of the students, my bf told me not to talk about them when we meet. Yea, I agree. I think I need to separate work from personal life.
While my friends who work in other professions talked about their work and other people they meet, I talk about my students. As days go by, I feel that I am lagging behind them. Adults have peer pressure too, yea. I feel that I need to break out of this shelf that had been protecting me these 3 years. Everyone treats me like a little girl and I have the good fortune to have a good HoD who always give me the freedom to explore and silently support me and cover my ass when I walked into shit-pit without knowing it. I feel old now. Tired of burning midnight oils, of burning up the weekends and holidays for the school. I feel I am suffering from malnutrition intellectually. I feel that I can't see my future. I feel I need to get out and breathe in what other people are doing in other industries.
The day I made the decision to leave teaching, I almost regret it immediately. More so after I know who is going to take over 4EB. I just can't stop worrying for my students. Miss Sin said they will be traumatised and I should finish the last lap with them. I tried to reconsider my decision. But I am scared that this new opportunity that sprang out of the thin air won't come along in a long time.
After today, I knew I made the right decision. Like what Desmond said, don't underestimate the resilience of your students. I knew I made the right decision to tell them earlier, at least we are all prepared for the farewell and will treasure the last few lessons together. I hope you had, because I did.
Teaching is a noble job. I am glad I was given the chance to be part of the noble team of educating and guiding the young people during their adolescent stage of life. I had been thinking the difference of what my new job scope and what I had been doing these 3 years. Teaching really give alot of meaning and satisfaction to one's life. It is really tiring, it drains u physically, emotionally and morally. But, all a teacher needs from any student is just those two words, Thank You. Sincerely. These two words had brought so much warmth and so much meaning to my life before. In teaching, these two simple words just have such deep meaning.
From the fun class of 4EB 2005, we have the Tan family comprising of Tan Pau Ling, Sean Tan, Tan Yi Sin, Louis Tan, Tan Liling.. our charming actor and singer Elias.. the forever going to toilet to do big business Wilford.. the artist Niki.. the royal family Shazana, Jane, Midori, Elissa, Jeanette, Niki.. my forver reliable and dependable Red Cross chairman Nadirah.. the weird but gentle Wira (the only one who remembers my birthday).. the bigger soccer team Ebrahim (top student 2005), Rajiv, Qing Yang, Elias, Laxman, Elbert.. the ballerina Charmaine.. the cute Farhani.. the cool and pretty Liling.. the shy and quiet Shu Hui.. the supporters of Ms Boey and Girl Guides Wan Shan and Yan Qi.. the animal lover Jenny (who is a good diver too).. the boy who shares the same birthday as me - Yuan Wei.. and last but not least the pillars of Chinese Orchestra Hui Juan and Huiping!!!
Yeah.. I remember all of them, with a little help from Nadirah.. hehe.. my first class in Broadrick.
Now my last class in Broadrick.. here goes..
From my perfectionist and KFC guy Kok Shen.. my cute and bubbly Alicia.. my cheerful and always make spelling mistake Chia Ming.. my King Kong Aidil.. my silent supporter who offers me consoling words of wisdom Daniel.. my A1s scorer who is always so quiet Guocong.. my latecomer and long thumb nails William.. my another latecomer who is a kind-hearted ah beng Say Yong aka Yong Yong (hehe).. my Jing Hao who is always 'I am very busy and I am broke' but has a credit card.. my silent and mature plus designer Fifi.. my loyal Red Cross cadet Samantha.. my always so hardworking Munisha.. my kind-hearted Chinese Orchestra chairman Liting.. my FOREVER trustworthy, reliable, neat and handsome Zhen Wei aka Lim Bo Seng ( he has all the good qualities a girl wants).. my athelete and little sunshine boy Wei Loong.. the financial minister who is both pretty and sociable Sabrina.. my gentle and beautiful Fang Ru.. my FOREVER supporter and always the first to spot my blues Mona.. my always-jump-with-fear-whenever-I-call-her Eng Jia.. my badminton crazy Malvin.. my another mature, capable role model and Red Cross Vice-Chairman Zhisheng.. my another artistic, sweet and caring girl Ziqian.. my friendly and Girl Guide leader Tee Li.. my best actress and emcee Kate.. my silent supporter who always does not hesitate to cheer me up with jokes and encouraging words Hongyao.. my great magician and optimistic Tan Liang.. my chubby famous latecomer but generous Hendra.. my out-spoken, active, cheerful and favourite (self-claimed) student Adam.. my Japanese anime crazy Yee Xien.. and of course, how can we forget my godson DaviP who likes to always end the sentence with MEH and SIAN...
Now that I think of it, I think I had really broke many hearts when I decide to move on. 4EB is always the BEST! 2005 or 2007..
Thanks for your undying support and love. You made my days in Broadrick brighter and I look forward to come to school now, although I always have to utter the same old sentence every morning "Put on your name tag and school badge'". I am sorry when I said you made me feel no warmth.. You see, I am so relaxed and at home when I come into class that I can't help to tell you my innermost feelings. You may not be able to understand my sadness and my worries for you, but I know you will pull through strong and emerge the champions and bring the school to glory even without me around. I was stern and strict and no smiles for you and you could be feeling like why is my form teacher nicer to other class. It is not true. I have high expectations of you and I worry that you are not working hard to meet my expectations. I get angry when you do not seem to be working to your maximum potential because you choose to play and become unfocused in your purpose. Maybe my going away will force you to grow up and be more independent. I pamper you too much. You even came into my dreams. I worry that you will be lost and no one will understand you or go to your rescue and cover your asses when you end up in trouble when I am not around.
Don't cry because we will meet again.
But like I said, you are strong and you will emerge as champions. We can, together, produce the top scorer, Broadrician of the Year, the most fun-loving class who knows when to play and work hard. YOU WILL NEVER WALK ALONE, this I promise you. For Miss Tan will always be here to support you and you will always take the first and most important seat.
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Uncle's funeral
The ironical thing is, I had planned to accompany my mother to visit her hometown and also my relatives this coming Saturday. We were all looking forward to this family-get-together. The last time I went back to Malaysia was 14 years ago??! I couldn't remember anymore. It turned out that Er Jiu's funeral become a family gathering for us! Funny isn't it? We, the Chinese, says family only gets together during weddings and funerals. How ironically true this saying can be.
Anyway, it is cool to meet up with my cousins, nephews and nieces from Malaysia. Everyone has grown up. Because of studies and then work, I could not accompany my mother to go visiting for hte past so many years till I felt that I am such an unfillial daughter. Her sisters have their children to accompany her to come Singapore to visit her but this daughter always give school as an excuse..
Anyway, the rural towns of Malaysia is just so relaxing. Food is good and cheap! If I had stayed longer, I would have really put on weight. The people are friendly and extremely accomodating too. Why? Cos my uncle's funeral wake was spread on the road between two rows of houses. The wake spanned over a length of 4 houses, I think. If this happened in Singapore, I have no idea how our friendly Singaporeans would have reacted. I mean, who likes to have a funeral wake just outside the gate. Plus, with all the gongs, drums and singing of rites, which started at 5pm till around 12midnight, how many times would Mr Policeman come to visit? 'Please, it is after 11pm. Lower your volume.'
And, the best part is this one!
On the way back, my mother and I thought, 'WOW! We are travelling on FIRST CLASS MASSAGE COACH ah!' It is like so cool, and we were experimenting with our massaging seat. Not to forget the TV showing Mr Bean's Holiday, which is actually quite new. Plus, we were on the upper deck of the coach. Excellent! For RM40+, I was travelling on a first class coach, makes me feel so excited.
I had dozed off watching Bean, cos he was really dumb and boring. Lame. I woke up when the coach suddenly came to a surprise brake. I was like, "What is that burning smell of rubber?" We were in the middle of the North-South Expressway lor! Damn it. Cars, oil-trucks and lorries zoomed past. I wondered why is it that everyone around me doesn't seemed to be bothered with the coach stopping in the middle of NOWHERE!! Even my mother went back to slumberland. Then someone came upstairs to tell us that the tyre was punctured.
Tell me what kind of luck do I have? Fancy a coach's tyre to be punctured in the middle of a pitch-dark expressway. I started to panick and recalled my Malaysia cousin saying that there are approximately 60 people who died in accidents in the N-S expressway everyday.. Then there were frequent reports of sleepy drivers who slammed into vehicles which stopped at road shoulders.
How can they sleep so soundly and take for granted that we are safe? The TV started to show a second movie by The Rock and the repair work took almost 2 hours to be done. I was wide awake for that entire period. The only one I talked to is my bf via sms..
Then the 'first class' coach drove off. It was then that I take out all my Physics knowledge. What the hell? The stupid class was bumping violently, like some mini roller coaster ride. The coach was definitely in an unstable equilibrium state. The centre of gravity was so high! There were easily 20 adults on the upper deck with only like less than 10 pple on the lower one. Wa!
Who is the stupid ass who designed this coach? The travel agency boss needs to attend Physics lesson lor!!
Never mind about the tyre. I was praying to all Gods to bring us safely to the first stop-over. At the first stop-over, the coach driver couldn't start the engine when we were all ready to go. What is this??!??! I was so full of helplessness and anger and I have no idea what else. The coach struggled another 1+hour or so this time. But at least, this time, we weren't on the road, we were still within the stop-over shelter and there were other coaches and most importantly, there were lamp-posts around.
By some twist of fate, the coach driver managed to ask another coach driver who was on the return back to Singapore to fetch some of us. I was like, "Mia tu liao, change bus!" That coach was from Grassland, the one that Kym Ng and Christopher Lee starred in. I felt so much safer on that one cos it simpler felt much more stable.
So, what is the lesson learnt here?
NEVER believe in FIRST CLASS coach. Nonsense. Massage coach? Nonsense. The bumping of the coach along the uneven roads had the same massaging effect. Don't be stupid enough to request for the upper deck for long journey coach. Why? Go ask your Physics teacher.