The above is it - money.
Just how important is that piece of paper? In this very practical society, very unfortunately, that piece of money determines how much privileges and respect you get from people around you.
I was out with a group of friends last night and we were discussing why some people can just become richer and richer while we always remain as poor as we are. Funny, some people simply have that touch, they are constantly thinking of ways of making their money generate more money and it seems effortless? I don't know. How I envy them sometimes, especially when I want to go for tour, I always become so broke after the trip.
I had been thinking of this question very frequently these few days: How important is money?
My godson ever asked me this very philosophical question: Why did mankind invent money?
Just how important is money? I wonder.
There are people around me who are working hard (like me) to earn money. Day in, day out, we are looking forward to our pay day. We are constantly checking our bank account to see how much the balance is and always telling ourselves "cannot shop anymore". In the end, when we see the SALE sign, wow!!! Who say cannot shop?? Must grab ah.. =.=" Thus, the wallet is always tight at the end of the month and we hate it the most when the postman or e-bill comes to chase us for payment.
Second, there are people who works hard for their dreams but get paid little for the pursuit of it. But, they are not tired. They strive harder to prove to the rest that it is a dream worth realising and hugging to the hope that one fine day, their dream will make it big.
Third, there are people who just need to sit at home and money will pour into their wallets. Arg! How I love and hate this type of people.
Fourth, there are people who have people working for them. Quoted from Jun Fu, it is a zero dollar equation (his own theory). They earn millions by making the people who worked for them work harder but pay than lesser than they are worth. Smart right?
Whatever it is, I had been trying to ask my mother and my bf for their opinion on the feasibility of me changing to event management. The first thing they asked: How is the pay? When I told them that it will be lesser than what I am earning now(actually much much less) and in addition, it will be long hours. My mother asked me, "Why is it that other people earn more when they change job and you get lesser and lesser? When will you get your first 3k?" My bf shut me up with, "Do you know that fresh graduates are earning 3.3k now? If they give you less than 2.5, then your 3 years of experience in teaching is equivalent to nothing."
How hurting those comments can be, you can never imagine. My heart broke and sank when both of my dearest people threw me such a wet blanket. I was praying with the thinnest strand of hope that maybe they will give me the support and tell me to go ahead.
Money is really the issue here.
I feel the stress and expectation that I need to earn 3k before I reach 30. Damn. This is such a cruel place. Just when I thought I could (MAYBE) go for a more challenging job and really test out my limits and what I want, I got pulled back to reality.
Anyway, I am going to start tuition this Sunday. At least that will be an extra income (not subjected to CPF and tax - please don't tell IRAS: I am already paying 500+ of tax lor!!). Anyone wants tuition? I teach Maths and Science but my charges are high. Enquiries, please call or sms me.
I am dead serious.
1 comment:
My answer to your godson (and you as well) is this:
Man invented money as a tool to convert their labour into a resource that can be exchanged for other resources.
The key to finding satisfaction in finances is to know that money works for you, not you work for the money.
It's a tool, a means to other forms of happiness, BUT NOT an end in itself.
Meaning, if we think this is the universal equation
Money = Happiness
More Money = More Happiness
then you will be seriously wrong because money is also the source of much unhappiness.
Just ask the millionaire who is dying and all his children try to be especially nice to him but it's all fake, and you can empathize with him why he's miserable to the core.
Regarding the events management thingy, I am not trying to be unreasonably supportive of you all the time.... BUT, honestly do give it serious consideration.
After all we have already lost out to the fresh grads. After working for 3 years, it's ironic a freshie earns more than me.....
Stop and think.
Your teaching experience will not be wasted if you put to good use your experience in organising events (I am sure you have lots of chance to organise red cross things).
The fresh grads may start off in better position because the economy is doing well, but our batch have weathered the rough times and survived. We are stronger for it and I am sure we will last the race stronger.
Anyway, I encourage you to go for your dreams. We only live once. Remember that.
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