Monday, 31 December 2007
Let's relax...
If you don't understand the joke, I feel so sad for you...
Sunday, 30 December 2007
What is happening to us?

Have you watched "I am Legend" by Will Smith?
I had seen it on Christmas Day and I loved it. Of course the beautiful and bronze well-built body of Smith's had scored many points! That to-die-for body aside, I loved the show because it set me thinking of what COULD be happening to us in the next 50years...
The show revolves around Smith and his dog, Samantha. It started with a doctor announcing the creation of a new virus which had proven to have cured human beings of cancer. Unfortunately, the same virus which brought hope to mankind destroyed the whole planet and civilisation. The mutated virus changed human to Dracula-like monsters; they could only roam around after sunset and they will be burnt to death when in sun. They are hungry creatures which preys after living things, like a cannibal gone crazy. Smith and his dog are immune to the new virus and the virologist stayed behind in the hometown because he strongly believed that he could fix the situation and bring mankind back to light.
What sets me thinking is the fact that the virus in the show wiped out the whole planet of billions of people, leaving behind only those few millions immune and struggling to stay clear from the night-seekers. The virus was spreaded around through air.
What hit me so hard in the face is the fact that the News and papers had been reporting for a long time of avian flu and bird flu spreading in different parts of the planet. What scares me now is the recall from the news that scientists are warning us every other day that they worry that it could soon mutate and spread from human-to-human and via air. Many people in Indonesia had died from the new virus. Recent newspaper reported that frequently used antibiotics are no longer ineffective in many Singaporeans.
Although I am not someone who is familiar with life science, even my ass thinks the world is really heading for trouble.
What happens in the show could well be our planet in another 50 years. The sad thing is, I would most probably be still around to see this happening...
I met Prof Obbard at my University two weeks back. He was waiting to do his presentation and I couldn't help but to want to talk to him. CL said that he is a well-known man in the Environmental Science domain. He is a very pleasant man and he is so friendly and shared many things with me. If not because I had to finish rushing the minutes for CL, I would really want to sit in his presentation! Prof Obbard introduced me to a documentary by Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth and he even volunteered to lend me the DVD if I couldn't find it in our library.
I finally laid my hands on the DVD. One of my colleagues bought it. And, for the first time, I looked forward to watching a documentary.
Today 29December2007 Saturday, instead of spending the afternoon shopping in crazy Orchard Road in the post Christmas sale, I spent my afternoon enriching myself with a thought intriguing documentary which I volunteered to watch.
With terrorism constantly blasting over the radio, TV and internet, the attention paid to the health of our planet seems to be just like a lopsided weighing scale. What seems like catastrophes which are hitting other countries seems to be increasing in frequency and coming nearer to our doors and becoming stronger in intensity. Storms are more frequent and stronger, floods are more deadlier and droughts are covering bigger areas. Temperatures are getting higher and don't say you can't feel the difference in Singapore! Our dry period in the middle of the year seems warmer and drier. If you feel that 35degC is hot in Singapore, the highest temperature recorded in recent years is 50degC. And we are not talking about deserts, we are talking about cities getting more heat waves. The ice-bergs are melting and please don't be so naive that Singapore is well sheltered by our neighbours. We are surrounded by sea, my dears. Never before has ice-berg drifted and reach New Zealand and do you know how many of such big ice cubes had fallen from its main iceland? Do you know that there are polar bears who died from drowning because their home (the ice land) had melted and they had to swim for tens of km and still could not find any land in the middle of the ocean?? I laughed at the ridiculous news because how can polar bear die from drowning??? BUT I stopped when I tried to envision what the bear sees: NOTHING except boundary less water.. You die because you get so tired of swimming...
Have you been following the news lately?
I can't stop terrorism from happening because that is really a totally different brainwashed religion which is self-striving from unknown sources. BUT I could start to save the Earth simply by doing my share in the whole campaign. Al Gore's documentary may contain ballooned facts but one thing for sure, all of us could do our part to saving the planet.
I may be one of the few billions of people on earth but I believe my little contribution will go a far way to joining the forces of reversing the TO HELL track that we are heading. Not everyone can be a hero in the movie but ALL of us can be an ambassador to our planet.
Why not let's start by using less plastic bags?? ;)
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Shooting Stars
Anyway, BB brought me to watch 'Shooting Stars', a Cantonese musical at Downtown East yesterday. Both tickets cost $130+ and the ironical part is: I can't understand Cantonese...
It was a musical, featuring 40 golden hits from Canto history-making singers, Danny Tan and Leslie Cheung. Of course, the only reason I was there was because my BB was Leslie's fan and how can a loving gf leaves her darling BB go to the musical alone.. Moreover, he pays! Hahahhahaa!
BB shows appreciation to non-conventional songs, and he likes the songs because the lyrics are meaningful. O, of course S.H.E. is an exception because no one can resist the attraction of the 3 pretty girls right?
Luckily there was translation available and really, the songs had meaningful lyrics not like some of the catchy songs on radio nowadays. What is lao shu ai da mi??? Senseless lyrics.. Guo Mei Mei has a good voice, she ought to do better than that. Agree?
The musical linked up the story of the two shooting stars together with their buddy, Paul, a former famous HK DJ. The fate of the Musketeers was the same - like shooting stars, they ended their stardom life at the peak of their careers. Paul, because of his mounting debts from stock gambling, jumped down from his apartment. Danny, because of his depression, died from an overdose of drugs. Leslie, because of his depression, like his buddy Paul, jumped down from his apartment. Coincidentally, Leslie's death date was April Fool's Day 2003.
Why do some people choose to end their lives in the most silly ways? Perhaps we never did understand the immense amount of pressure that they were undergoing, that's why we would never know why they commit suicide.
FYI, ending your own life is a criminal crime. Although it is your life, you do not own it. I was told that the deceased will be handcuffed. It is such a degrading moment in your life isn't it, though you won't be able to witness the scene.
Every problem has its solution. Like Kok Shen reminded us, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Life is a journey... During the journey, there will be beautiful scenery, pretty flowers, animals and trees, clean and fresh air to breathe. Occasional thunderstorms and showers are nature's way to balance the ecosystem. The journey will seem harder to tread on but when the thunderstorms are over, the air smells even fresher than before, the fields look greener, the chirping of the birds sound happier. The land looks cleaner when the sun shines after the rain. Whether the destination is reached at the end of the journey is a bonus because along the way, new lands are discovered, new friends are made and new routes will be crafted.
Of course life must have a goal but when the goals are not met, we don't have to cry and give ourselves so much pressure isn't it?
I am not trying to advocate that a stree-free society is good. No competition = no improvement in quality of life. But to be overwhelmed by the desire for for more power and money, the reason why the journey of life is started is not aligned anymore.
There must be a reason why God or Deity created mankind isn't it?
Friday, 23 November 2007
Work ---> BIG SIGH
Work had since started to pick up its tempo in October and there I was, finding myself immersed in work again. I still bring things back home to do but it is not endless marking now. Instead, I bring back work which requires me to use my brain to think and strategise.
I was hired by my boss to start a few new projects in my school. The first is Graduate Diploma and Master and the second is workshops. Both projects are new to the university and I am put in charge to administer it and support my dean and programme director to push it to market.
The first GD/Master was scheduled to start in Feb 2008 but due to poor take up rate, it has to be postponed to July 2008. The first workshop which was scheduled to take place next Wednesday and Thursday had to be shelved till March 2008 due to poor take up rate again.
I feel like a jinx.. I am really upset.. I jokingly told my dean that and he said if that is really the case, then he will transfer me to President's Office. I asked why, he said, "Then the university will close down! I can't wait to get out of this place."
What an encouragement =.="
Sometimes, I really wonder if I am a jinx.
When Jason was with me, he kept failing his NTU examinations and had to repeat 2 years of his studies. Afte we broke up, he graduated from NTU.
Now that I am with Pak Kay, his journal and his phD thesis didn't look right and he constantly met obstacles. I don't know if he can complete his phD by end of next year. He worries about it everyday because A*star's scholarship will cease next year.
When I taught, no matter how hard I tried or how hard my students tried, they always fail Physics. What was the problem? I really have no idea but I can't tell them that... Ms Tan, I really work very hard this time, but still I fail. To this, I can't show disappointment but I had to put up my best smile and show them all my remaining love and encourage them to not give up.
I had the best class ever in my 3 years in teaching but they fell to pit bottom just before I left. I took the wager with my ex-Principal, I told him my class can survive without me. And they did, beautifully. But when I wasn't around...
I have a seminar talk next Saturday and because the confirmation was made recently, the publicity is limited. I am scared that no one will turn up for the seminar so much so that I had to resort to emailing my TKGS/TJC/NUS/NIE/BRD friends and almost begging them to support me.
Godson No. 1 once said I sounded more and more like a insurance person, always selling products. BUT, it is my job scope to make sure that my GD/Master programme and workshop sell!! I would use every opportunity to promote my new projects and even my colleagues are making fun of me sometimes. "There, she is selling her programme again..."
Sigh... There must be a way to promote and sell products isn't it? I was told that other universities put aside $1 million or at least $500k aside for marketing. My own university?? A pathetic $20k!! It is only enough for a 1/2 page 1 spot colour advertisement in Straits Times and Business Times for a day.
Boss says I must learn to accept failures.
Where is my teacher?? I need someone to encourage and show me love now.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Another special birthday celebration happened today. After tuition, Zhenwei, Kok Shen and Zhisheng surprised me with a birthday cake! Elliot and Jiaqi chipped in as well but were not around for the celebration..
It is not the card, the cake nor the voodoo dolls they gave which touched me. It is seriously the thought which mattered and weighed so much. It is their English and Maths O levels examination tomorrow and they made the effort to spend a portion of their revision time with me, the 'traitor teacher' who left them for the pursuit of her dreams.
CL told me in his office on Friday that someone from another department approached him and asked if he could release me and allow me to transfer to his/her department. Erm.. my organisation is going through a restructuring phase now... Mmm.. Naturally, I was flattered because I was actually head-hunted although it is within the same organisation. He refused to tell me who that person is but simply told me that he rejected the person with a big fat NO and even told me that if that person called me, I have the right to say no too... That means he likes to work with me right? :) To hear that implied meaning from my boss, it simply lights up my day almost instantly!!!! Oops, did I mention that he said he likes to work with smart people??? Hehe..
That same day in the evening, after some discussion in his office, he was smiling when he gave me a task to do," Can you be so kind to write a one page....."
Saturday, 22 September 2007
My ego was bruised and I told myself I MUST PASS!!!

It was a fruitful Saturday today. My morning started with the Advanced Theory Test and frankly, that irritating test is harder this time. Nevertheless, I PASSED! The sun was shining really high and hot but the perspiration smelt sweet.. :D
I hurried myself for the next appointment - my driving lesson at Eunos MRT carpark. I saw my instructor in a little blue car with a lady inside and instantly I wondered if that was his gf or wife. Haha, but who cares, it is none of my business.
I am not sure if it was the boost of confidence from the Theory Test, Mr Txx told me to drive out of the carpark today!!! Yeah.
"Let's go to Changi and back." he said.
In my heart, I was wondering if I could really make it to Changi and back because the last time he told me that, I ended up in Kebangan with the terrible experience of being stuck between two cars in a single lane...
BUT this time, I really drove to Changi.. not the remote end of Singapore, nor is it Changi @ Changi Airport. I drove to somewhere near Temasek JC and it was cool! Shiok. What kind words can I use? Funny, because I felt no adrenaline after the drive. Perhaps, I do not have the energy to feel the excitement and perhaps I was really concentrating to make sure that the 1.5h today was going to be efficiently spent every single minute.
It was a rewarding experience. For 27 years, I had been driven around, by my father, my bf and my male friends. Never had I ever dreamt that I could drive a Toyota that far in my life. Of course, Mr Txx's hand would sometimes guide me on the steering wheel especially when I made a turn. It felt good that I am learning something, studying for a test, sitting for a test and passing the test. It wasn't easy to study and concentrate and I could empathise with those who are studying for the examinations now. I studied till I really dozed off, my head like the fishing line with the fish at the other end, bobbing up and down.
So, not only did I drive from Eunos MRT station (past that damn busy road) to Temasek JC and back, I did a little of reverse parking and U-turning.
I don't understand why controlling the car seems so simple to all my driver-friends but when it comes to myself doing it, it becomes such a complicated process, involving the hands, the legs and eyes and the brain, all to think and process and make judgement within the split second to move the man-made machine - CAR.
What else am I doing so far?
Junxiong was impressed that I have so much more time to do other things beside my work. I am giving tuition, learning driving and relaxing. I plan to take up an insurance course too. Haha, so that I can sell insurance next time and earn some extra cash.
Mmm... I should start to do my handicrafts too. Wan Lee's birthday is coming soon which also means my birthday is coming too. Should I apply for leave on my birthday? Mmmm..... Pak Kay's birthday is coming end of the year too, about 2 months. I have two DIY projects on hand now.
Looking back, I really had gone and achieved a number of things which I had no time to do in my previous job. Not bad. I even started jogging before I go for tuition during weekday evenings. It was only two runs around the field and my breath was almost taken away from me. The determination to motivate myself to move on struggled sometimes and I always tell myself that I have to finish this exercise without stopping and without walking. The perspiration at the end of the exercise smelt great, I want to leave behind the lazy PL.
Life looks a little more beautiful and eventful now. I see Pak Kay more often, I get to sleep more, and I get to do the things I want to do.. :D
Now, I must sit down and think of how I can earn more cash and save enough to go Europe/USA.. to buy another Gucci or Coach.. Haha... :D
Monday, 17 September 2007
Driving again...
Seriously, I don't understand why I am learning how to drive a manual car when the technology has evolved and all new cars are automatic cars now. That stupid clutch, is really driving me crazy!!! Simi half clutch, simi biting point!!! What the hell are those things?? Release too fast, the engine will auto reached off and the car will die in the middle of the road... Release too slow, the car doesn't move and the damn car vibrates violently. I really want to pull my hair.
In the end, my teacher said I have to go around in circles at the carpark of Eunos MRT.
He also told me to switch to learn automatic car if I show no improvement by the 10th lesson. Does that mean that I am really that stupid and clumsy that I couldn't control those irritating three pedals!!! I don't want to admit defeat so easily BUT the fact remains that it is really difficult to coordinate them.. To show my never say die spirit, I have decided to go learn driving every Saturday instead of alternate Saturday. Let's hope the money will be well spent...
I want to drive a car!!! Mmmm.. what should my first car be?? **
Anyway, let's talk about something more interesting and that shall be my driving teacher! Hahahaha, gossip time...
OK, he is Mr T**, a 50+ man. The most attractive thing about him is his eyes... they aren't those big sparkling, long eye-lashes eyes but don't know why, I find his eyes attractive. Haha. Don't worry, I won't fall for old man because he is like my father, young-looking. He is a married man too.
Besides the fact that I was really nervous and clumsy on Saturday, I think he was very distracted too. Seriously, I feel that my 1.5h with him isn't fully utilised at all. Maybe it is because I had not passed my Advanced Theory Test, he is taking his time to teach me really slowly. Of course I need that because I can't handle if he speeds up.
The reason why he was distracted? His gf was quarrelling with him over sms!!!!
Now, how do I know about this??? Mmmm...
Because he lets me read his sms! Hahahaha... Poor teacher, he is Chinese educated I think, and his English is limited, probably limited to the car parts and whatever it is related to the car. So, whenever his sms comes in, he will ask me to translate for him. Of course he knows what the sms meant, but he just want to be sure. Since his English is PTE LTD, I will help him reply his sms to his gf too...
I felt so guilty in the car. Here is a unloyal married man, and I am actually helping him to reply sms to his gf, does that make me a sinful person too? But, it is his affairs and I can't simply change him for another instructor when I am comfortable with his teaching style just because he is two-timing two women.
There is one thing I learnt from him that Saturday. In an affair, the 3rd party woman has everything to lose; to the man, he has the best of both worlds.
That woman was jealous and angry because he broke his promise to accompany her that day. The smses were whiny (2nd lesson: woman, of all age, likes to whine) and he told me to tell her that he is not free on Saturdays and Sundays because he needs to teach and has to drive cab. I was so scared that his replies, typed using my thumbs, will cause a breakup!! He uttered with a full lung of confidence, WON'T BREAK UP. If there was to be a break up, it would have taken place many years ago. What arrogance! I pity his wife and I feel sorry for his gf...
I asked him if he could charge me FOC for my driving lesson and in return, I teach him English! Hahaha.. Of course he said no...
This Saturday is Advanced Theory Test combined with driving lesson in a span of almost 3h. Not sure if I can make it through.. Clutch, brake, accelerator, hand-brake, gear handle, signal, blind spots etc...
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Happy Teacher's Day
Sunday, 2 September 2007
My man and we
Correction - TPK says he is 1.72m.. he is angry when I say he is 1.70m.. for the man's ego, please 'delete' the previous information...
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Disappointment is an understatement
It is my 4th driving lesson today and for the first time ever since I started driving, I felt disappointed in my performance.
Strictly speaking, this is the second time I felt disappointed with myself in two days.
The first was yesterday. I had a training session which ended around 1130am. 15 minutes later, I arranged to have lunch with Bao Bei. When I put down the phone, CL gave me a piece of work and said he wanted it ready by 3pm. 'But it is almost lunch time and we have a meeting at 2pm. Do I have to go for that meeting?" I asked. He replied,"Yes, you have to be there so that you will understand what is going to happen. Get this done by 2pm then."
Big SIGH... He stole away my precious lunchtime with my Bao Bei and nonchalently said the work can be done very fast. As if lor! You are not the one doing it, of course you will say that it can be done very fast. He instructed me of how to do the work and seriously, I do not know if it is because I did not take the initiative to see the macro view of the project we are doing or is it his fault that he is mixing up me and my colleague's role again. Come on, whatever he told me to do wasn't my scope at all and he told me to do what my colleague was supposed to do!! Then he said, "You must learn to learn things fast." Wa. First blow. I was already trying very hard to put together what he wanted me to do, considering the fact that that was the first time that I set eyes on the document.
In the end, I did not have lunch until 7pm. Did not finished the work too. And, I took it home to do.
Today. 4th driving lesson. The car's engine died 4 times. My instructor said we will drive to Changi but in the end, I drove around Kebangan and Eunos. When there was no car, I could drive the car quite well but when the traffic increased, I panicked. Really panicked. My feet couldn't follow the instructions from the instructor. It started when we were driving in those small lanes in Kebangan. There was this car approaching mine and I thought I was supposed to stop at the side and let it go pass me (we were in a two lanes road outside a row of bungalows and cars were parked along one side so that leaves one lane for two directions of cars to drive past).
Instructor told me to accelerate because he predicted that the approaching car would stop for me to pass. Bastard driver thought that me, L-plate driver, should stop and let him pass. So, in the end, two cars stuck face to face on a single lane. Never mind, we gave in and so I had to reverse the car. Simi another BMW car suddenly appeared and came closer to my car. Imagine, front and back, there were cars... Naturally I panicked. Simi clutch, stop, accelerator, brake, I don't understand and couldn't undertand and simply couldn't follow. Instructor kept on reassured me that it is ok, "Relax. Do it slowly, I am here to help you."
It got worse when my car suddenly vibrated so violently. O no, O dear.. I don't know what I did wrong, the car wasn't supposed to vibrate at all! What's wrong? Then, the car died! Recall: I am still between two cars, one in front and one at the rear.
Finally, we managed to get out of the mess when he helped me to drive and flee into another lane. Close shave, I couldn't recall what I did during those less than 5 minutes span of time. REALLY. It is like a loss of memory. I can't remember what I did...
We did not drive to Changi. Disappointed.
Then when we were approaching Eunos MRT, the car died the last time again. And this time, when I re-start the engine, I forgot to press the clutch down and the car wasn't reacting the correct way again. Panicked again because there were so many cars around me and I was in the bus lane, and so close to my destination.
Then when I was driving into the car-park, the car almost went up the kerb because I did not turn the steering wheel back in time. SIGH again...
This is a totally disappointing day!!!!!!!!! Big blow to my ego.
Before I went off, my instructor told me to go home and practise and observe how other people drive. I have been doing that lor... I always look at how Bao Bei drive but he is always so reckless. Then when I asked him why he drive in that way, he won't explain to me in the gentle way, always in that stern voice. I don't like it when he talked to me in a stern tone. I did looked at how my father drive but his car is auto not manual car..
Whatever, anything... I am just so disappointed with myself.
Monday, 13 August 2007
BIG SIGH!!!! Because he had reported for work earlier than me!!!!!!!
I pretended not to see him in the office although his door is less than 5 steps from my work-desk. I quietly went to the pantry to get my flask of water and again, dreaded the moment that I had to officially start my Monday.
Why must I be so quiet leh????
Because, my boss kinda scolded me over the email during the weekend. BUT, whatever he mentioned in the email wasn't directed at me. I hope he remembered that the mistake he mentioned wasn't done by me but my colleague. I was so good-hearted that I offered to send the email on her behalf because all of us were rushing home last Friday. WA LAU! ALL of them packed their bags so much last Friday lor!!!As if there was fire in the office and they were rushing for their lives... =.=! Left me in the office to pick up the ends, frantically packing up and also praying ultra hard that boss won't finish his meeting so fast.. Luckily, I dashed out before he walked in ah!!!!!!
Anyway, I was scared that I would be scolded by him. Actually, he won't scold.. Remember I said he said he hates to work with stupid people?? I hate people to doubt my intelligence, that is why I tried very hard to make myself work smart andraise smart questions. So stressed leh! More stressed than teaching with Mr J in the classroom.
Mmm.. I used all my cute charm (lol :D) and took great care when I walked into his office. Heng ah! He asked me if I want him to be nice or be angry. Of course nice right? Because it is Monday today hehe :p That was what I told him, hohoho.. I even told him to take a deep breadth and calm down before he start to 'shoot me down'. I can't believe I actually did that! Like not serious right? But, well.. I don't know what came over me.
In the end, I succeeded asking questions which he couldn't answer! Does that mean I am smart finally? Wink wink. I was really blunt, but who cares? He said words are cheap, and things can change every minute. I think he gave up in the end. And, I supposed we had been working on this irritating project for the past I don't know how many weeks, and he could be really tired of always back to square one when he thought we are approaching the end of the project. So, he said he will make the changes himself because it is faster that way rather than he explained to me what to do. Hmp.
I spent the rest of the day helping my colleague (the one who got scolded in the email on Saturday) check her work. Phew. I managed to finish it just before 5.30pm, otherwise it is dumb to stay back on the 1st day of 7th Lunar month to do some really dumb work.
Did I say that half way through the afternoon, my office went black-out? The first word that I uttered, "WIN!"
Luckily I wasn't making amendment on the PC, luckily I wasn't writing email, luckily I wasn't preparing any report... because who would constantly save their work??? I can't imagine what went through my boss' mind when the office had the black-out. He MUST be making the changes in the shared drive and I bet he did not save any work.
The office went to a standstill because practically all of them are dependent on the internet.
Seen Die Hard 4?
What if really one fine day, the internet would to be down? With so many of us all linked up by technology, how will your life be affected by a day without technology?
Anyway, ALL of us dashed off home at 5.30pm sharp again today. We had to leave the office because boss comes back from his meeting otherwise, we can't go home on time...
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Highlights of weekend
I extended an invitation to my bf to come over for lunch on Saturday. To add a little colour to our routine weekend, I thought I should cook him a meal. When was the last time I cooked for him??? Mmmm.... I think it was like 4 years ago?? Ya, not long after we became an item. I cooked fried rice for him and my brother too. I thought fried rice should be simple and well, I had cooked that for myself before, so with a 3 person share, it shouldn't be a big problem yea?
I was terribly wrong. Sigh... I vaguely remembered that the fried rice was pale aka no-colour, which also meant it didn't look appetising at all. True enough, it REALLY was tasteless. Mummy told me to add soy sauce then the rice will look brown and delicious mah.. And, it did taste not bad when I cooked for myself.. But, that fateful day when I tried to impress my bf, I don't know why, but it didn't taste good.
I am a bad bad bad cook :(
Until now, my bf still remember my FIRST cooked meal for him. So, what did he request for lunch last Saturday?? Instant noodles with egg!!!!! WA LAU. An insult to my sincerity to want to spice up our weekend. He said, "First time, so give you a non-challenging task. Hehehehehe." Bish!!!!!
Luckily, the instant noodles wasn't bad. Hahahahaha. Like the Hong Kong's Gong Zai Noodles, minus the pork chop. Kekekeke.
What shall I do next leh?? Maybe I should try to find sushi recipe and also tempura. Cos he loves Japanese food.
Really, all of you who have learnt F&N are better cooks than me. I am a straight F there. Whenever we had cooking sessions during Home Economics in Secondary School, I was always the one to cut and prepare the ingredients while my friend would cook. I took over at the stove only when the teacher was nearby, to put on a show for her.
I used to even have a rehearsal with my family when I cooked for my first bf. My family was the guinea pigs to try my cooking which sometimes was really bad. Poor Papa. Whenever he saw something funny on the table, he always say 'experiment again'. Hohohohohoho...
Have I told you that my VERY FIRST egg was really charred till it was really black through and through?? Hahaha.
Well, I may be very good in conduction, convection & radiation but when it comes to practise with the fire in front of me, it is a totally different story :p
No topic
See, I am working hard to save for my wedding, if there is any.
I am starting to give tuition tomorrow. I am so happy and looking forward to it. Finally, I have found another thing to occupy my free time.
Not bad for a change.
I am learning to drive now.. alternate Saturdays. It is fun! But scary at the same time. Too many things to take care of at the same time. Rear mirror, side mirror, front, blind spots, signal lights, clutch, brake, accelerator, hand gear... all at the same time. Although I am looking forward to the next lesson, it is pretty scary to think that I may be hitting the road soon. I had been driving circles in a car park for the last 2 lessons. I have no idea if my instructor will make me do it again next Saturday.
I am giving tuition, something which I enjoy - teach and impart knowledge. No admin work to do, no meetings to attend and no worries about worksheets or exams. I just teach! It is a wonderful moment when I teach. Really looking forward to Sunday. Only one small little complain - I have to sacrifice my sleep in the morning. BUT! It is all for a good course yeah?
Mmm... what should I do next leh? Maybe I will go learn how to knit (hehehehe wink wink) and I will probably go learn Japanese?
I love weekend. Do you?
(I am losing the motivation to continue to write in blog! Kok Shen, what should I do?? Hahaha)
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
What is money?

The above is it - money.
Just how important is that piece of paper? In this very practical society, very unfortunately, that piece of money determines how much privileges and respect you get from people around you.
I was out with a group of friends last night and we were discussing why some people can just become richer and richer while we always remain as poor as we are. Funny, some people simply have that touch, they are constantly thinking of ways of making their money generate more money and it seems effortless? I don't know. How I envy them sometimes, especially when I want to go for tour, I always become so broke after the trip.
I had been thinking of this question very frequently these few days: How important is money?
My godson ever asked me this very philosophical question: Why did mankind invent money?
Just how important is money? I wonder.
There are people around me who are working hard (like me) to earn money. Day in, day out, we are looking forward to our pay day. We are constantly checking our bank account to see how much the balance is and always telling ourselves "cannot shop anymore". In the end, when we see the SALE sign, wow!!! Who say cannot shop?? Must grab ah.. =.=" Thus, the wallet is always tight at the end of the month and we hate it the most when the postman or e-bill comes to chase us for payment.
Second, there are people who works hard for their dreams but get paid little for the pursuit of it. But, they are not tired. They strive harder to prove to the rest that it is a dream worth realising and hugging to the hope that one fine day, their dream will make it big.
Third, there are people who just need to sit at home and money will pour into their wallets. Arg! How I love and hate this type of people.
Fourth, there are people who have people working for them. Quoted from Jun Fu, it is a zero dollar equation (his own theory). They earn millions by making the people who worked for them work harder but pay than lesser than they are worth. Smart right?
Whatever it is, I had been trying to ask my mother and my bf for their opinion on the feasibility of me changing to event management. The first thing they asked: How is the pay? When I told them that it will be lesser than what I am earning now(actually much much less) and in addition, it will be long hours. My mother asked me, "Why is it that other people earn more when they change job and you get lesser and lesser? When will you get your first 3k?" My bf shut me up with, "Do you know that fresh graduates are earning 3.3k now? If they give you less than 2.5, then your 3 years of experience in teaching is equivalent to nothing."
How hurting those comments can be, you can never imagine. My heart broke and sank when both of my dearest people threw me such a wet blanket. I was praying with the thinnest strand of hope that maybe they will give me the support and tell me to go ahead.
Money is really the issue here.
I feel the stress and expectation that I need to earn 3k before I reach 30. Damn. This is such a cruel place. Just when I thought I could (MAYBE) go for a more challenging job and really test out my limits and what I want, I got pulled back to reality.
Anyway, I am going to start tuition this Sunday. At least that will be an extra income (not subjected to CPF and tax - please don't tell IRAS: I am already paying 500+ of tax lor!!). Anyone wants tuition? I teach Maths and Science but my charges are high. Enquiries, please call or sms me.
I am dead serious.
Sunday, 22 July 2007
A wonderful weekend
..........I love you, I miss you, I love you, I miss you.........
..........I love you, I miss you, I love you, I miss you.........
..........I love you, I miss you, I love you, I miss you.........
..........I love you, I miss you, I love you, I miss you.........
..........I love you, I miss you, I love you, I miss you.........
..........I love you, I miss you, I love you, I miss you.........
..........I love you, I miss you, I love you, I miss you.........
..........I love you, I miss you, I love you, I miss you.........
..........I love you, I miss you, I love you, I miss you.........
..........I love you, I miss you, I love you, I miss you.........
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Blue Thursday
I don't know why but I feel extremely blue this morning. Probably it is because of the rain.. well.. maybe not, I don't know.
A colleague from the next department had left the company yesterday and is starting her new work today. I went out with WL last night and I slept at 1am. So, basically I am pretty tired now.
People had been asking me how is my new job, do I like it, how are you coping, do I enjoy it etc since the first day I stepped in. I don't know if that is the way they show concern and willingness to help newbies or is it that they are preparing me for the storm ahead.
Actually, I am feeling very uncomfortable with my current situation now. You know, just plain uncomfortable feeling which you can't really point your finger to the source of it.
Besides the fact that I can rest after work now (no need to mark worksheets anymore), during the day, the administration work that I am doing seems unclear and directionless and well, I feel meaningless. Maybe it is because I have not been given the bulk of the workload yet but I can't help myself comparing what I used to do and what I am doing now. Human beings are funny creatures. Uncle J's words kept popping into my mind. Come to think about it, his words are not always rubbish. You probably will need to reflect on what he said and well, maybe less than 50% of his advice is useful in the end.
I had promised myself that I would not return to school as a full-time teacher, which means I may consider being an adjunct teacher.
I had been urging myself to give myself more time to adapt to the new job, at least till I get my bonus beginning of next year (hehe..)
I felt very inspired by WL's new work! She is into event management and that was what I had wanted to do. In this new job, she gets to go overseas because the bulk of her company's business is international. I really envy her and I asked myself if I want that type of lifestyle..
Consider this:
1) I have NO experience at all for this industry...
2) The company seems extremely fast-paced, which in a way, is a little opposite of my current company. I can't stand the waiting time to get information from another person!
3) It will be like teaching, no free time after work, no fixed knock off time, no weekends maybe, little sleep when events are near - which also means it will be energy sapping
4) The big factor: PAY. Definitely, I would not be drawing the income that I am getting now.
5) It doesn't help when 30 is near the corner. It doesn't help when the hectic nature of the job means I would be seeing less of my bf and how can we ever find time to settle down?
6) Can energy sapping job be a long-termed committment job? I mean, if I do not like it and prefers to have a more stable job, I would really be 30 or beyond. Age is a big enemy. No experience, old female candidate - who would want to hire me in the end?
BUT, the lure is tempting.....
DAMN IT! Give us till next year ba... In the meantime, what else can I do besides to bury the urge and probably TRY VERY HARD to stay positive in the new job?
Big SIGH....
Saturday, 14 July 2007
Consequences of being big mouth
SIAN! =.=" because I was just that one second away to clicking that START button on the monitor screen and shutting down the computer!
I can't say I can't help my colleague right? I mean, I am still damn new and I have to be a team player isn't it? So, I have to hide my inner frustrations and reply, "Sure, no problem! How can I help?" Furthermore, I had to put on a big bright TPL signature smile :D
So, I said bye bye to my 'boring' office life and started helping my colleague do her work, halfing her present workload. I always think back of what my bf asked me, "Why do they need a graduate to do such admin work?" Good question asked but I don't know the answer. So, I did the manual checking of tonnes of excel spread sheet data.. Did that to the extent that I really felt like tearing the hardcopy excel spread sheets into bits and pieces.
The next time someone told you during an interview that the work is very challenging, don't be as naive as me to believe that person wholeheartedly. To a certain extent, this tedious checking is challenging because I had stopped so many times to ask myself aloud, "Isn't there a better way to do this?" Till now, the answer had not been found and so I continued the mindless checking... Until, my boss got impatient with the people who input the data and got everyone to sit down and trashed out all the differences. Well, that meeting was 4 hours long! When the meeting in brd was a simply waste of my precious afternoon, the meeting here is always like a learning and eye-opening experience. You want to see how adults brainstorm their intelligence and outtalk each other, look forward to the working world just make sure you stay out of trouble.
Anyway, our boss treated us to a lunch at the Turf City on Thursday. That was the most agonising lunch I had ever had so far. It was to formally welcome the new-comers to the department. The first new-comer started introducing himself like this, "I would like to introduce you to open source programming and suggest that we meet for an hour each week so that I can tell you the beauty of this..." I was like HUH!! Simi open source programming??! This is so computer engineering lor, come on, get a life! If you don't want a life, stay away from me... =.=!
Then the food came... first dish - shark's fins soup. The waitress helped to ladle out the soup into small bowls and the natural reaction after she had done that was to? Take the biggest bowl and start eating and fight for the vinegar and pepper right? Alright, everyone at the table weren't normal because from the first dish till the last dish, the food had to sit there for at least 5 min before anyone took the move to start taking their share! I was like, HELLO, scholars. I know all of you are intellects, but it is lunch time and I am hungry. Can't anyone please start eating?? Because I am new and I am a 'demure & resolute' woman (made in TKGS), I have to behave like a well-behaved girl and wait for the seniors to start... Unbearable. Can you imagine how long that big bowl of baked crabs sat on the table?? At least 10min lor!!! And I was like, the crab is so delicious, yum yum, but you can only take one piece ok? Why??
Because you can't behave like a childish little girl who is out with your Daddy and Mummy and start to grab at every piece of crab you like... Restrain.. Take one only..
And my boss actually said, "Lunch is good. We really should have more department lunches."
I was like, "Please! A lunch with scholars talking about open source programming, journal papers by other psychologists etc - Sorry, it is just not my cup of tea."
Plus, the constant effort to always behave and do things smart because my boss said " I hate working with stupid people" and his constant "that clown did this... that..." All these aren't helping at all.
Yes! Because I have to dig really hard for the intelligent TPL and proved to him that HEY! You have got a smart employee here ;)